Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Whirl of thoughts FINALLY updating my blog. So my friends are able to save their breaths now :)
Anyway, yeah lately Im feeling a little off-sided. Dont know why exactly. All my teenage life, I've build this wall on certain things. And I've made up my mind to not fall on this certain hole. This hole that drowns everybody in. Some finds it fascinating, some finds it shocking, some even embrace it. But very rare wouldn't like to be in it. Guess Im one of them. This all sounds really emo i know. Lol. But im really Very confused. Why is something you've been avoiding for long creeps in so bloody fast that you'll only realize it when it stuns you?
I got this best guy fren. The best ever. Dont think he knows that. But he means a lot. I can still remember us fighting for two years and when i think of it, it makes me laugh. He can be a real idiot. And I mean literally. But I gues I'm gonna miss him most when I leave. But one thing that annoys me the most about him, is that when i mention a guy i met who's hot and with the package. Or even that im close to a guy. He thinks Im married. Stupid git