Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Still counting...

Sigh...its been like FOREVER that the whole darn packing is taking.
And not only that, I'm not allowed to step out of the house till its over!
What the heck? Why should all of us be stuck at a nearly half empty house till those movers empty the whole place when we got only this wee bit of time to hang out with people i'll probably wont see again till im 60?!?! Well... so to speak...Grr...
Sigh...oh well guess i cant exactly complain. The move is for us to start a new life anyway. But i just wish i could spend some time with my buddies especially my ever loving crazy buddies-for-life sarah! lol!
Oh...i cant really help but think it so wrong to like...not do things which im not exactly comfortable's just say...shisha, if that's how you spell it, because its just me? Im not saying anything here but just because i never exactly accepted the invitation to do certain things does it mean and only mean im tryin to live up with the 'goody-goody' impression, or let's say, afraid of what my best friend will think about me? perhaps? i dont know...just a thought...
Yeah so anyway, back to where i was...when the whole darn packing is over i'm heading straight to sarah's house!